9th Annual Rocky Mountain Fluid Mechanics Research Symposium
The Rocky Mountain Fluid Mechanics (RMFM) Research Symposium is a local technical meeting bringing together students, faculty, and professional researchers with a common interest in fluid mechanics. The primary purpose of the symposium is to provide student researchers along the Colorado Front Range and the greater Rocky Mountain Region the opportunity to present and discuss their work in a casual setting. Oral presentations are encouraged from interested students, but a presentation is not required to attend the meeting.
Please contact info@rockymountainfluids.org if you would like more information about RMFM 2024.
We are pleased to announce that the 9th Annual RMFM Research Symposium will occur in-person at the University of Colorado, Boulder East Campus in the beautiful Aerospace Engineering Sciences Building. Presenters will present their research for no more than 10 minutes in length, allowing 2 minutes for Q&A from the audience. There will be three presentations occurring simultaneously, and the presentations will be sorted into sessions based on theme. The presentations should follow a slide format, but the presenters are encouraged to include images, videos, and/or demonstations within their slideshows. Laptop connections with projectors will be provided. Additional events during the conference will include a keynote speaker and a panel discussion on diversity.
The technical program and schedule, including keynote title and abstract, for RMFM 2024 can be found below.
RMFM 2024 Technical Program
RMFM 2024 Schedule
Technical programs for previous RMFM Symposia can be downloaded here:
RMFM 2022 Technical Program
RMFM 2021 Technical Program
RMFM 2020 Technical Program
RMFM 2019 Technical Program
RMFM 2018 Technical Program
RMFM 2017 Technical Program
RMFM 2016 Technical Program
RMFM 2015 Technical Program
Abstract Submission
Abstracts are requested for oral presentations in all areas of fluid mechanics. Oral presentations are a maximum of 10 minutes long with an additional 2 minutes for questions and discussion. As part of its educational mission, all talks at RMFM 2024 will be delivered by undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral researchers.
Abstracts are limited to a 1300 character maximum and should be uploaded here by 11:59pm Mountain Time on Sunday, July 28, 2024. Abstract submissions must include the following components:
Lead authors and presenters are limited to one submission. Questions may be directed to info@rockymountainfluids.org.
Event Organizers
Lead Organizers
Organizing Committee
For questions or more information about the Rocky Mountain Fluid Mechanics Research Symposium, please email info@rockymountainfluids.org.
Support and Acknowledgments
Support for RMFM is gratefully acknowledged from the Paul M. Rady Department of Mechanical Engineering and the College of Engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder and the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics and Statistics at the Colorado School of Mines. Additional support has been provided by Herbert and Karen Vogel through a Vogel Faculty Fellowship at the University of Colorado, Boulder.